Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mua Mission

Mua Mission is a major tourist stop for those
interested in the history and culture of Malawi.

In 1902, the Catholic Church sent the White Fathers
to Mua to found a mission. This statue commemorates
the one hundredth anniversary of the founding.

This church was built in 1971 on the original church site.
The mission also houses a hospital and a Chamare Museum
that is known throughout Malawi for preserving the history
of the tribes as customs are eroded by modernity.

This is a close-up of the mural that you can see
on the front of the church in the previous picture.
It is a picture of the Bible story of Mary and Elizabeth.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MSU Spring Flowers

Hello everyone, I loaned my camera to a friend,
who let it be stolen in an airport, so the posts
will be from my picture archives until I get another.

The landscaping at MSU is beautiful.
I can't decide whether I like spring or fall better.

Yes, these are bananas.
They spend winters in a greenhouse.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My House

I moved house in May, and took some pictures,
but haven't had time to post them.

The house has a pretty yard.

and a couple of friendly dogs