Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mwanza (2)

Some of the Faidherbia trees were fairly small...

Some were a bit larger. This small boy is one of many
who came to see what we were doing with the chain saw.

This lizard lives in a tree in our apartment gardens.
A neighbor says that it is a baby of larger ones that also live there.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm Back

Hi Everyone,
It took longer than expected to fell the Faidherbia trees we needed, so I am late getting back to the blog. We felled
eight trees in Mwanza, Ntcheu, and Karonga districts, and seven
trees in Rumphi district. I hope that you enjoy the pictures.

We started in Mwanza district in southern Malawi. Most Faiderbia
trees grow in low-lying land near rivers

The location in Mwanza was so low that the
road was posted, "only dry season." (see the
last line on the sign)

Most Faidherbia are scattered in corn fields, like
these in Rumphi.

Only in Mwanza did we also
find cotton fields.
Notice the baobab tree
behind the cotton field.