Sunday, September 27, 2009


The park had a few ostriches,

And an eagle on her nest,

And some vultures sitting in a tree, but you can see
vultures sitting in a tree in any part of Nairobi.

On the theme of birds, here is a photo of a bird
that I just took near the nests that I posted on
August 8th. Does anyone know what it is?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


These giraffes look like they were looking at Nairobi,
but they were really staring after a lion.

Part of the day was cloudy.

And part of the day was almost sunny.

And this one stopped and posed for me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


There were a lot of zebras in the park, and
they didn't mind being photographed.
They are very near Nairobi.

They weren't too worried about being caught
between two tour groups.

The colts were a bit more camera shy.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nairobi National Park

I went to the ICRAF annual science meetings last week
in Nairobi, and took a couple of vacation days
to be a tourist. The Nairobi National Park is right at
the edge of the city.(You can see the skyscrapers
on the horizon behind the acacia tree.

Most of the park is savannah, like the picture above
but a small part is wooded. It gave the antelope in the
picture below a place to hide from my camera.

The park is crisscrossed by dirt roads,
which I suspect are difficult to manage in the
rainy season. Stay tuned for zebras and
giraffes and lions.