Saturday, March 26, 2011

Around town

I've been around town the last few weeks,
so the pictures are also from around town.

We have a new shopping area on the west side
of town, and if you look to the left,
you see the blue parasol's of the new pizza place,
which beats all the other pizza places
(except the Italian restaurant).

they started with some nice foreign pine trees...

and spent quite a bit on landscaping, so it is a pretty place...

My office is on a research station in
the country, so wildlife visits us regularly.

Even in town, the views can be nice.
If you look to the right you can see
a trace of the second bow of a
spectacular double rainbow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Namibia (2)

Gobabeb Desert Research Centre is beside
a riverbed that divides a flat white gravel
desert from a desert full of red dunes.

They say that this river floods during part of the year,
but I would have to see it to believe it.