Sunday, May 9, 2010


The mantis I found on my window last week.

Three new baby swallows fledged this week.
Here they are with their mother.

Here is Lake Malawi from the overlook above the descent to
Karonga, where we were last week, and will be again next week.

I will be in the field for most of the next three weeks, so
postings may be sporadic.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kiva update!

To Kiva's Blogger List,

We are thrilled to share the news that Kiva has won the Sam’s Club Giving Made Simple grant for $1 million dollars! Thank you to everyone who supported Kiva throughout the campaign. We could not have won without your daily votes, outreach to friends, and participation during the Double Points Days on Twitter.

The impact: As you know, we get excited about the “Kiva Multiplier Effect.” For every $1 we’ve spent creating and, the site has raised $10 in loans. We estimate this $1 million dollar grant to help drive $10M in new loans to 25,000 Kiva entrepreneurs.

We are grateful everyday that so many people, like yourself, have joined us in our mission to alleviate poverty in the U.S. and around the world. Thank you for helping us win this together!

-The Kiva Team

PS - Our blog post about the Sam's Club campaign is at

Monday, May 3, 2010

Faidherbia in Bolero

Over the next few weeks we will harvest Faidherbia
in four different locations in Malawi. One is
Bolero, located
in an upland valley in the high,
rolling hills of the district of Rumphi.

Faidherbia have been inter-planted with the
maize there for many years. The largest of
the trees are two and three feet in diameter.

Faidherbia trees in a maize field.