Saturday, March 28, 2009

I took my camera to work a couple of days ago. These are taken
about seven in the morning. The roads are full of people
going to work, kids going to school, etc. Most
people walk most places, the lucky few get to r

The guys at left are driving cattle to graze and
the guys at right have a bike-load of kindling
wood. Most people still cook with wood and
buy it a few sticks at a time.

It is cheaper than electrical hookups, plus Malawi
has a power
station down for repairs, and is
not producing enough for
demand, now.
Most of us have an hour a day without

electricity. It also plays havoc with computer
cell phone connections.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Malawi Pictures

I am in a hotel for a few days while househunting. It is very nice,
and the grounds are beautiful. We are in the rainy season,
and everything is lush and green.

ICRAF is located on Chitedze research station, just outside Lilongwe.
The grounds are also pretty, and we are surrounded by research
plots and mango trees.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Snow on Spring

Did I say that it could still snow?

Yes, spring can turn to winter in a day (and for a day)!

Snow on the forsythia.

I will travel to Malawi on Sunday, so postings will be scarce
for a few weeks(then there will be postings from Malawi).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fully Spring

Well, spring has stopped peeking around corners, and is finally walking on public sidewalks. Fruit trees all over town are in bloom, and thousands of bees are tumbling happily
through the blossoms.

It took a bit of patience to get a photo of a happy bee.

It was warm the day before all the blossoms opened. Yes, this temperature is legit, but it is from the warmest corner of the east face of the house.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

More spring in Texas

More warm weather, more flowers! This geranium
sits on the east side of the house, and the brick
captures a lot of heat

daffodils next door

peach buds ready to burst

Yes, I know, I promised pictures from Malawi. Whenever we get the
travel delays worked through, I will post pictures from Malawi, I promise!.